Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Man. That's Just brady.

Huh.  LOL  I went into the kitchen the other day to see what Brady had gotten into.  He was doing is usual "eat, eat" and I knew he had gone down there to get something.  By the time I got there he had the oatmeal out which he does frequently.  Now, as some of you know after our water pitcher incidents, we installed locks on the pantry and the fridge.  Well, those only work if you lock them!  I'm just setting the scene.

So, I get down there and take the oatmeal away and place it on the counter.  He also had a couple containers of my herbs out.  I didn't smell anything so apparently he didn't get them open this time.  I happened to look inside the oatmeal container for some reason and saw that it had dried blueberries in it.  I knew I had seen Kevin fix it with stuff all in it but didn't realize it came with it.  Cool I thought!

I got Brady something to eat and then continued to clean up the kitchen.  I put the things away Brady had out from the pantry and then realized he had the garlic powder out.  I don't think he poured it anywhere...didn't smell anything.  Well, that was until I thought about the oatmeal.  hmmmm  I looked into the container again. 
At this point I ask myself: "Are those really blueberries?"  Yeah right.  See the picture on the box?  Good coverup.  Those little round balls in the oatmeal were whole pepper corns!  And he did put garlic powder in the oats as well.  My boy.  He likes to go grocery shopping so he sabatoged the oatmeal so we would have to go again! LOL

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