Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Kevin and I went to NY for a short trip this past weekend.  My mom, our saving grace, was staying with the kids and keeping house.  I called a few times and texted just to make sure Brady had not done anything to anyone of them, her included.  Yeah, you know him by now...he's that bad. :-)

On Sunday before our flight I texted her several times with no response.  I called and she didn't answer.  I was starting to get worried.  Then she called me back and told me the story.  I'm not sure why she was outside but Brady was not.  Do you see where I am going?  He's inside by himself...she's outside with the others and Kendra had to pee.  Uh, huh...door locked!  That's my Brady...and funny thing is that I told my mother in law when she was here not to let him inside by himself because this would happen.  I thought my own mother knew better. (laughing)

Short story: Mom sent Kendra to our neighbors to pee (since she was screaming she had to pee) and S came over to help.  I'm sure mom was getting irriated at this point and was no doubt yelling for him to open the door - that is what usually happens to me. :-)  S came over and offered him a cookie and let her hold him...he opened the door - of course!  I told mom she has to bribe him to open the door.  He doesn't do threats or anger.  It just makes him yell louder, "No."  I told her my secrets to getting the door open and she has now burned them into her memory.  So, she'll have another go at the end of this month.  Guess I could tell her about the key under the house too. :-)

Potty Training - Day 1

This is going to be funny because I will only have day 1 for now!  hahaha...just couldn't make it through.

I decided to take a whole day, not go anywhere, and work on this potty training thing.  I really don't remember doing this with Kendra.  I'm pretty sure she did it on her own.  Though, she was at daycare for a period of time and they may have helped (pretty sure they did - HA!). 

Brady had been going pretty regularly at school so I thought this would be a good time to do it at home.  To throw out an excuse, it has been hard to train him at home since Carson is home too.  Monday morning I put on his pullup and told him he had to go potty today.  Sound like a good start?  He did tell me a couple of times though he doesn't get the part about going "before" you have to go.  He usually goes a little in his Pullup.  The I turned to just putting on his "big boy" underwear.  They have a waterproof liner in them so I figured I was safe.  He went a few times and still peed in them as well.  So, now I figured I would put the real underwear on.  That lasted all of about 30 min.  Boy, I think only about 2 hours had past and it seems like a whole day at this point.  So, about 10:30 I decided to go commando...or for him to.  I took his bottoms off and let him play inside.  Funny thing is he was running to the potty every 5-10 mins.  It might have been more than that actually but I know it was often.  I'm thinking things are going well.  He's going.  I did have to leave the potty out in the bathroom and the door open.  This has posed a problem in the past because he or Carson are always into something in the bathroom.

Things seemed to moving along.  We had had one or two incidents (pee puddles) but all in all, things were going well...until...He said he pooped. :-)  Me, not surprised.  He said he needed to go potty, actually as he was trying to sit on the potty...poop already on him and the seat.  YUCK!  Can we say...ohhhhhhhhhhh, no?  He never did go in the potty although he says he did.  But, he did go on the floor infront on the front door!  Yep, found that a little bit later.  I think that is when I decided the day was over. 

Boy, I'm not sure if I will get through this poopy training.  I'm just going to call it that, because with all the poop this child has introduced me to...I'm sure there is more to come.  Maybe I should just wait for summer when mom can take the others or Kendra is home to help with Carson.  It really shouldn't be this hard, Should it?