Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Newest

Just a little update as I haven't been on in a while. Brady is 4 now! Growing like a weed, though his little brother is only 8 lbs lighter. He's still doing well in school and looking forward to his last year at Mt. Zion next year. So the latest update is not unlike the usual. Yesterday, while I Wong inside to get a cookie for Carson, B rode his 4 wheeler to the side of the house. I came out and heard him, not really going anywhere, and when I rounded the corner I saw a frustrating sight (the norm). With motor running, a hose was stuck in the gas tank turned on full blast. Needless to say I hurriedly turned off the engine and then the gas itself. Hopefully Kevin will be able to get the water out of the system. On a somewhat lighter note, the boys got up before us Sundat. I showered instead of checking on them first (first mistake). When I did check in they had gone outside and were in Kevin's car. Got them inside and changed clothes for church. While dressing B he informed me Tony (our cat) was in the van. I questioned him and he wavered back and forth. To be on the safe side I thought I should check. Yep, there he was in my window meowing. Brady said he was going to church with us. I keep thinking what else can he do that he hadn't already. I need to stop as there is just no end to his antics. My neighbor calls him Dennis the Menace. What will the next episode hold?

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