You might be wondering why the heat went out. So were we for two days. After dinner one night last week, as I was clearing the table, I felt cold out coming from the vent on the ceiling. I thought I had felt colder through the day in the house. I had actually turned the heat up at one point to 70, which we never keep it that high but I was just cold. I finished cleaning the dishes and then told Kevin about the heat. Upon duscussing it, I looked at the thermostat which at that point said 67. Considering I had put it on 70 earlier, I knew that it was not working. Great! I knew snow would soon be coming and we didn't really need to be spending any money (unless absolutely neccessary - heat would be neccessary).
After talking about it for a minute Kevin didn't seem that worried. He asked me to change the system over to the E-heat setting. We kept it on that for two days as we had been so busy and didn't think to check it out. Kendra and I were quickly on our way to church when Kevin pulled in from work. We spoke quickly about what we could in the 5 minutes it took me to get in the car and then it out of the garage. At the moment I was about to drive away, Kevin came in the garage from the back yard giggling. I had to ask why...
When the heat goes out, blame it on Brady! I say that with excitement because 1) we didn't need to pay someone to come out and see what was wrong and 2) Brady had actually flipped the switch OFF on the heat pump unit. :-) We didn't even know there was a switch on the unit. See what your kids can teach you. LOL
I say now that there is probably nothing inside OR outside the house that Brady has not gotten into. True, true...but then I'm sure he will figure out more soon enough - too soon for us.
Just a side note funny: We were standing in the kitchen talking about it the other night and Kendra looked at Brady and said, "Yeah Brady, you could have killed us!" We got a good laugh and then told her we just would have gotten pretty cold. Kids say the darndest things. :-)
Lesson: Check the switches on all major applicances and units should you find them to suddenly not be working.
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