Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Those Proud Moments

I typically don't post about our Faith.  I don't know why because it is a big part of our life.  It has changed everything about our family in many ways though still leaving us who we are - chasing Jesus I suppose.  It is my main goal this year to reach further for Him and to find Him, to know Him and establish the relationship I'm suppose to have with Him.  But, this isn't about me, totally. :-)

We've been attending a church for a while now that we are very happy with and our children seem to love.  When I started looking for a church, my main focus was to find somewhere the kids would learn about the bible, the way and the truth.  With Kendra not being able to attend North Hills this year, I was afraid she would lose a lot of learning that I wanted her to get.  As I am somewhat new in my faith, I wasn't sure I could teach her what I wanted her to know.  I'm learning (not that I didn't know) that it is by our walk with Him that our children learn.  I have a hard time with that and I know (and so does He) that there are times in my life when I am not happy with my actions or words...but the one thing I have learned:  I follow Him.  I get back up, ask for forgiveness, then help, and say sorry if I need to.  Boy, has it been hard.  I guess that just comes with being human. 

Well, we tested out the tithing thing.  I may have mentioned this in another post but if you want to be ok...tithe.  It really does make a difference.  So in that, Kendra had earned some money the other day at a friends house.  I don't get to see what happens in her class at church and since she moved up...I'm really at a loss of what they do.  However, I do know that they pass around the offering can.  I've never thought about giving her money and I'm not sure why.  She doesn't earn an allowance yet.  We've talked about it but not done it.  So, the other morning I asked her if she wanted to give her whole $1 to the offering?  She thought for a fraction of a second and said, "Yes."  I don't think I did justice in explaining why but she got it none the less.  When we got home from church that afternoon she was so happy to tell me that she was the only one who had an offering that day.  I was so happy for her though not because she was the only one who had an offering but that I gained some knowledge with that $1.  I think she is ready to grow up a little more.  She loves her faith.  I want to be able to insteal into her that God loves her no matter what.  I don't want her to be 30 something before she starts going to bible studies and learning that she is the bride and is totally loved whether anyone human loves her or not.  She loves signing Christian songs from the radio.  Kevin and she sang two or three the other night at bedtime and she bobs her head and just gets into it.  It's wonderful to see. 

You wonder if they are learning.  You wonder if they are picking up the good things, the things you know they should get.  You wonder if they will....well, just lead and pray they follow.

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