Wednesday, August 31, 2011

3 yr old update: Starting School back

So, it's been a long time.  I've thought so many times, "I need to blog that, and I need to blog this," but to no hasn't happened.  So, this will be a post with many updates, again for a while I'm sure.

Today, I had a hilarious event with Brady.  To set this up, he did not sleep much last night and was very tired when we were leaving the grocery store.  He was having a bit of a fit in the car trying to get into his seat, tried to throw the stroller at me and was just being naughty.  So, very quietly I rubbed his head as he was crying and held his hand and said, "Brady, you need to ask Jesus to help you."  Brady, "Jesus, help mommy get off of me." 

I couldn't help it.  I kracked up and laughed all the way home.  I did quickly tell him he needs to ask Jesus to help him be good and calm.  Think he got that?  Yeah, right. 

Brady is starting his second year in preschool.  He has grown up a lot over the summer and is potty trained!!!!  Mrs P. is going to be so happy.  He is counting, though he does skip 4.  I think Kendra did that too.  He knows his shapes and colors.  Personally, I think he knew them at the end of the year but is one of those kids who does what he wants (you think!?).  He probably knew them but just didn't want to show he did.