Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Latest "Factors"

We've been a the beach and busy so I haven't had time to get on here to discuss our daily experiences.  I thought I would just list out some of the more interesting ones.

~Brady can not walk by Carson without hugging him...and then pushing him down or smacking him in the head.

~Brady learned to not only run and jump into the swimming pool but to be a sweet angel at the same time.  He put pool rings on his head and then jumped. :-) pics to come

~We now have to be on guard each moment in the car as flying objects are now apart of each ride!  It hurts when a sippy cup hits you in the head.

~This quite amused me.  When at the beach Brady would fill up the pail with water and bring it to towel (with help).  He would then play for a minute in the sand and stick his foot in the pail.  Then he would take his foot out and put it down in the sand getting sand all over his foot again.  This started the whole process over and he was fussing the whole time!  Never seen a boy who didn't like to get dirty.

~It took him a while to warm up to the ocean.  For the first several days he was like one of those birds that runs up to the water and when the wave comes runs back toward dry land! LOL  Eventually, he got to the point where he would run up the waves and hold his arms up as if on a roller coaster.  Don't know why...just another Brady Factor. :-)

I'm at a loss right now for the really funny ones. As they come back to me, I'll post.  On to the next Factor.